2009 I participated the first time at a version of Daniel Preissler. Even tough I have seen village music before, this was the time I definitely fell in love with it.
In several workshops I learned a lot from Daniel and my appetite for a village music became increasingly bigger.
In 2011 I spend six weeks in Hamana to experience the music and the culture up close and in person. At that time I absolutely fell in love with this old fashion village music and I made it to the main focus of my teaching.
The last three trips to Hamana I was accompanied by my wife Miriam who had already spent some time there before. Together we learned a lot about the connection between dance and music and experienced a lot of really cool village festivals.
Dipl. Pflegefachmann HF
Didactically training:
Adult educator - SVEB 1
Course with substantial connections to creativ work in the „iac“
(Integratives Ausbildungszentrum ZH)
Study visits in Africa:
In Guinea with:
- Famoudou Konaté (Conakry)
- Billy Nankouma Konaté (Conakry)
- Diarra Konaté (Conakry)
- Kaba Konaté (Sangbarala)
- Nansady Kourouma (Babila)
- Laye Kouyate (Fissadou)
- Mamady "Sakala" Condé (Fissadou)
- u.a.
Participation as an "apprentice" of the village musicians from Babila and Sangbarala in divers festivals in the Hamana/Gberedu region.
In Ghana with:
- Kofi Missio (Accra)
- Okoe Ardyfio (Kokrobite)
Drum teacher at TAXI BROUSSE
Dipl. Psychiatric Nurse HF m.b.A. (PBL - Tagesklinik Münchenstein) Drumming in a therapeutic context